from .fit import model_cos class DataSineLoad(): """ Base class for lab tests with sine load """ def __init__(self, fname: str, debug: bool = False): self.meta = {'d': 150, 'speciment_height': 60} self.file = fname self.val_col_names = ['time', 'T', 'f', 'N', 'F', 's_hor_sum'] # Header names after standardization; check if exists self.val_header_names = ['speciment_height'] self._set_parameter() self._file_to_bytesio() self._calc_hash() self._read_data() self._standardize_data() self._standardize_meta() if not debug: self._calc_missiong_values() self._set_units() self._validate_data() self._postprocess_data() self._split_data() self._select_data() self._fit_data() def _set_parameter(self): self.split_data_based_on_parameter = ['f'] self.col_as_int = ['N'] self.col_as_float = ['T', 'F', 's_piston', 's_hor_1', 'f', 's_hor_sum'] self.number_of_load_cycles_for_analysis = 5 self.unit_s = 1 #mm self.unit_F = 1 #N self.unit_t = 1 / 1000. #s def _file_to_bytesio(self): """ read data and save in memory """ with open(self.file, 'rb') as fh: self.buf = BytesIO( def _calc_hash(self): """ calculate the hash of the file """ #read t algo = hashlib.sha1() buffer_size = 65536 buffer_size = buffer_size * 1024 * 1024 while True: data = if not data: break algo.update(data) self.hex = algo.hexdigest() def _read_data(self, encoding='latin-1', skiprows=14, hasunits=True): """ read data from Labor Hart, Spaltzugversuche Steifigkeit """ # metadata from file meta = {} splitsign = ':;' with open(self.file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: count = 0 for line in f: count += 1 #remove whitespace linesplit = line.strip() linesplit = linesplit.split(splitsign) if len(linesplit) == 2: meta[linesplit[0]] = linesplit[1] if count >= skiprows: break # data data = pd.read_csv(self.file, encoding=encoding, skiprows=skiprows, decimal=',', sep=';') ## add header to df with open(self.file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: count = 0 for line in f: count += 1 if count >= skiprows: break head = line.split(';') data.columns = head sigma = float( os.path.split(self.file)[-1].split('MPa')[0].strip().replace( ',', '.')) data['sigma'] = sigma #clean data data = data.dropna(axis=1) #define in class self.meta = meta = data return True def _validate_data(self): """ check if all column names are standardized""" cols = for val in self.val_header_names: if not val in self.meta.keys(): raise ValueError(f"{val} not in header of data") for col in self.val_col_names: if not col in cols: raise ValueError(f'{col} not standardized') def _standardize_meta(self): keys = list(self.meta.keys()) for key in keys: if any(map(key.__contains__, ['Probenbezeichnung'])): self.meta['speciment'] = self.meta.pop(key) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Datum/Uhrzeit'])): self.meta['datetime'] = self.meta.pop(key) try: self.meta['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime( self.meta['datetime']) except: pass elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Probenhöhe'])): self.meta['speciment_height'] = float( self.meta.pop(key).replace(',', '.')) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Probendurchmesser'])): self.meta['speciment_diameter'] = float( self.meta.pop(key).replace(',', '.')) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Solltemperatur'])): self.meta['temperature'] = float( self.meta.pop(key).replace(',', '.')) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Prüfbedingungen'])): self.meta['test_version'] = self.meta.pop(key) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Name des VersAblf'])): self.meta['test'] = self.meta.pop(key) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Prüfer'])): self.meta['examiner'] = self.meta.pop(key) return True def _standardize_data(self): colnames = list( for i, col in enumerate(colnames): if any(map(col.__contains__, ['TIME'])): colnames[i] = 'time' elif any(map(col.__contains__, ['Temperatur'])): colnames[i] = 'T' elif any(map(col.__contains__, ['Load'])): colnames[i] = 'F' elif any(map(col.__contains__, ['Position'])): colnames[i] = 's_piston' elif any(map(col.__contains__, ['FREQUENZ'])): colnames[i] = 'f' elif any(map(col.__contains__, ['mpulsnummer_fortlaufend'])): colnames[i] = 'Ncum' elif any(map(col.__contains__, ['Impulsnummer'])): colnames[i] = 'N' elif any(map(col.__contains__, ['SENSOR 4'])): colnames[i] = 's_hor_1' elif any(map(col.__contains__, ['SENSOR Extension'])): colnames[i] = 's_hor_2' = colnames def _set_units(self): for col in ['s_hor_sum', 's_hor_1', 's_hor_2']:[col] =[col].mul(self.unit_s) for col in ['F']:[col] =[col].mul(self.unit_F) for col in ['time']:[col] =[col].mul(self.unit_t) return True def _calc_missiong_values(self): cols = if not 's_hor_sum' in cols:['s_hor_sum'] =[['s_hor_1', 's_hor_2']].sum(axis=1) def _postprocess_data(self): #set dtypes: for col in self.col_as_int:[col] =[col].astype('int') for col in self.col_as_float: try:[col] =[col].astype('float') except: pass #set index ='time') return True def _split_data(self): data_gp = data_list = [] for idx, d in data_gp: idx_diff = np.diff(d.index) dt_mean = idx_diff.mean() gaps = idx_diff > (2 * dt_mean) has_gaps = any(gaps) if has_gaps == False: data_list.append(d) else: idx_gaps = (np.where(gaps)[0] - 1)[0] data_list.append(d.iloc[0:idx_gaps]) #add self. if len(data_list) == 0: self.num_tests = 0 = data_list[0] else: self.num_tests = len(data_list) = data_list #break def _select_data(self): """ select N load cycles from original data """ def sel_df(df, num=5): N = df['N'].unique() if len(N) > num: df_sel = df[(df['N'] >= N[-num - 1, ]) & (df['N'] <= N[-2, ])] return df_sel else: ValueError( 'Number of load cycles smaller than selectect values') if not isinstance(, list): df_sel = [ sel_df(, num=self.number_of_load_cycles_for_analysis) ] else: df_sel = [] for d in d_sel = sel_df(d, num=self.number_of_load_cycles_for_analysis) df_sel.append(d_sel) # replace data = df_sel return True def _fit_data(self): = [] for idx_data, data in enumerate( if data is None: continue data.index = data.index - data.index[0] res = {} columns_analyse = [ 'F', 's_hor_sum', 's_hor_1', 's_hor_2', 's_piston', ] ylabel_dict = { 'F': 'Kraft in N', 's_hor_sum': 'Verformung (Summe) in mm', 's_piston': 'Verformung Kolbenweg in mm', 's_hor_1': 'Verformung ($S_1$) in mm', 's_hor_2': 'Verformung ($S_2$) in mm' } fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(columns_analyse), 1, figsize=(8, len(columns_analyse) * 2), sharex=True) for idxcol, col in enumerate(columns_analyse): if not col in data.columns: continue x = data.index.values y = data[col].values # Fourier Transformation dt = np.diff(x).mean() #mean sampling rate n = len(x) res[f'psd_{col}'] = sfft.rfft(y) #compute the FFT res[f'freq_{col}'] = sfft.rfftfreq(n, dt) # Fitting freq = np.round(data['f'].mean(), 3) sigma = np.round(data['sigma'].mean(), 3) res_step1 = fit_sin_anstieg(x, y) mod = lm.models.Model(model_cos) mod.set_param_hint( 'd', value=res_step1['offset'], #min=res_step1['offset'] - 0.5*abs(res_step1['offset']), #max=res_step1['offset'] + 0.5*abs(res_step1['offset']) ) mod.set_param_hint( 'a', value=res_step1['amp'], #min=res_step1['amp'] - 0.5*abs(res_step1['amp']), #max=res_step1['amp'] + 0.5*abs(res_step1['amp']) ) mod.set_param_hint('b', value=res_step1['phase']) mod.set_param_hint('e', value=0) #, min = -0.5, max = 0.5) mod.set_param_hint('f', value=freq, vary=True) parms_fit = [ mod.param_hints['a']['value'], mod.param_hints['b']['value'], mod.param_hints['d']['value'], mod.param_hints['e']['value'], mod.param_hints['f']['value'] ] abweichung = [] chis = [] chis_red = [] results = [] r2 = [] methods = ['leastsq', 'powell'] dof = len(y) - len(parms_fit) for method in methods: #print(method) result =, t=x, method=method, verbose=False) r2temp = 1 - result.residual.var() / np.var(y) # r2temp = result.redchi / np.var(yfit, ddof=2) if r2temp < 0.: r2temp = 0 r2.append(r2temp) chi = result.chisqr chis_red.append(result.redchi) #print(chi) abweichung.append(sf.gammaincc(dof / 2., chi / 2)) chis.append(chi) results.append(result) ret = {} best = np.nanargmax(r2) ret['model'] = mod ret['x'] = x ret['result'] = results[best] res[f'r2_{col}'] = r2[best] res[f'fit_a_{col}'] = results[best].best_values['a'] res[f'fit_b_{col}'] = results[best].best_values['b'] res[f'fit_d_{col}'] = results[best].best_values['d'] res[f'fit_e_{col}'] = results[best].best_values['e'] res[f'fit_f_{col}'] = results[best].best_values['f'] res['f'] = freq res['sigma'] = sigma res['filename'] = self.file yreg = model_cos(x, res[f'fit_a_{col}'], res[f'fit_b_{col}'], res[f'fit_d_{col}'], res[f'fit_e_{col}'], res[f'fit_f_{col}'])[idxcol]) plt.plot(x, y, label='Messdaten') r2 = res[f'r2_{col}'] lstr = f'Fit (r² = {r2:0.4f})' plt.plot(x, yreg, label=lstr) plt.xlim([x[0], x[-1]]) plt.xlabel('Zeit in s') plt.ylabel(ylabel_dict[col]) plt.legend() #data[['F', 's_hor_sum']].plot(subplots=True) plt.tight_layout() ofile = self.file ofile = ofile.replace('/raw/', '/plots/')[:-4] ofile = ofile + f'_{idx_data:03.0f}.pdf' ofolder = os.path.split(ofile)[0] if not os.path.exists(ofolder): os.makedirs(ofolder) plt.savefig(ofile) plt.close() ## Stiffness deltaF = res['fit_a_F'] nu = 0.298 h = float(self.meta['speciment_height']) deltaU = res['fit_a_s_hor_sum'] res['E'] = (deltaF * (0.274 + nu)) / (h * deltaU) #break = pd.DataFrame.from_records(