import lmfit as lm import numpy as np import scipy.special as sf from scipy.optimize import curve_fit def cosfunc(t, A, w, p, c, e): """ definition of the sin function """ return A * np.cos(2 * np.pi * w * t + p) + e * t + c def fit_cos_eval(x, par): """ par: dict fitting results """ ys = cosfunc(x, par['amp'], par['freq'], par['phase'], par['offset'], par['slope']) return ys def regression_sine_fft(): """ fast fourier transformation for sine data """ return [] def fit_cos_simple(x, y, freq=10.0): """ simple sine regression x: vector or list y: vector or list freq: float initial frequency of regression analysis """ tt = np.array(x) yy = np.array(y) guess_offset = np.mean(yy) offset_b = 0.4 * abs(guess_offset) guess_amp = abs(np.max(yy) - np.min(yy)) / 2.0 param_bounds = ([ 0.3 * guess_amp, 0.99 * freq, -np.inf, guess_offset - offset_b, -np.inf ], [1.3 * guess_amp, 1.01 * freq, np.inf, guess_offset + offset_b, np.inf]) popt, pcov = curve_fit(cosfunc, tt, yy, bounds=param_bounds) A, w, p, c, e = popt return { "amp": A, "freq": w, "phase": p, "offset": c, "slope": e, } def fit_cos(x, y, freq=10.0): """ sine regression x: vector or list y: vector or list freq: float initial frequency of regression analysis """ # step 1 res_step1 = fit_cos_simple(x, y, freq=freq) # step 2: lmfit res = {} mod = lm.models.Model(cosfunc) mod.set_param_hint( 'A', value=res_step1['amp'], #min=res_step1['amp'] - 0.5 * abs(res_step1['amp']), #max=res_step1['amp'] + 0.5 * abs(res_step1['amp']) ) mod.set_param_hint( 'w', value=freq, vary=True, #min=res_step1['freq'] - 0.3 * abs(res_step1['freq']), #max=res_step1['freq'] + 0.3 * abs(res_step1['freq']) ) mod.set_param_hint('p', value=res_step1['phase'], vary=True) mod.set_param_hint('c', value=res_step1['offset'], vary=True) #, min = -0.5, max = 0.5) mod.set_param_hint('e', value=res_step1['slope'], vary=True) parms_fit = [ mod.param_hints['A']['value'], mod.param_hints['w']['value'], mod.param_hints['p']['value'], mod.param_hints['c']['value'], mod.param_hints['e']['value'] ] abweichung = [] chis = [] chis_red = [] results = [] r2 = [] methods = ['leastsq', 'powell'] dof = len(y) - len(parms_fit) for method in methods: result =, t=x, method=method, verbose=False) r2temp = 1 - result.residual.var() / np.var(y) # r2temp = result.redchi / np.var(yfit, ddof=2) if r2temp < 0.: r2temp = 0 r2.append(r2temp) chi = result.chisqr chis_red.append(result.redchi) abweichung.append(sf.gammaincc(dof / 2., chi / 2)) chis.append(chi) results.append(result) ret = {} best = np.nanargmax(r2) res[f'amp'] = results[best].best_values['A'] res[f'freq'] = results[best].best_values['w'] res[f'phase'] = results[best].best_values['p'] res[f'offset'] = results[best].best_values['c'] res[f'slope'] = results[best].best_values['e'] res[f'r2'] = r2[best] return res