import os import lmfit as lm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import pandas as pd import scipy.fft as sfft import seaborn as sns from pytestpavement.analysis.regression import fit_cos, fit_cos_eval from import read_geosys from pytestpavement.labtests.base import DataSineLoad from import DataSheartest from pytestpavement.models.sheartest import DynamicShearTestExtension class ShearTest(DataSineLoad): """ Dynamic Shear Bounding Test """ def __init__(self, fname: str, debug: bool = False, gap_width: float = 1.0, roundtemperature: bool = True): #set parameter self.gap_width = gap_width self.debug = debug self.file = fname self.roundtemperature = roundtemperature # process file self._run() def plot_fited_data(self, opath=None, pkname=None, r2min=0.99): ylabel_dict = { 'F': 'Kraft in N', 's_vert_sum': 'norm. mittlerer Scherweg\n $S_{mittel}$ in mm', 's_piston': 'norm. Kolbenweg\n in mm', 's_vert_1': 'Scherweg\n $S_1$ in mm', 's_vert_2': 'Scherweg\n $S_2$ in mm' } columns_analyse = [ 'F', 's_vert_sum', 's_vert_1', 's_vert_2', 's_piston', ] if not (opath is None) & (pkname is None): showplot = False opath = os.path.join(opath, pkname, 'raw_data') if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) else: showplot = True for i, fit in if not any([fit['r2_F'] < r2min, fit['r2_s_vert_sum'] < r2min]): continue data =[int(fit['idx_data'])] if data is None: continue freq = data['f'].unique()[0] sigma = data['sigma_normal'].unique()[0] s = data['extension'].unique()[0] T = data['T'].unique()[0] fig, axs = plt.subplots(len(columns_analyse), 1, figsize=(8, len(columns_analyse) * 2), sharex=True) for idxcol, col in enumerate(columns_analyse): x, y = data.index, data[col] #add fit f =[i] parfit = {} for k in ['amp', 'freq', 'phase', 'offset', 'slope']: parfit[k] = f[f'fit_{k}_{col}'] yreg = fit_cos_eval(x, parfit) if col in ['s_piston', 's_vert_sum']: y = y - np.mean(y) yreg = yreg - np.mean(yreg)[idxcol]) plt.plot(x, y, label='Messdaten') r2 = np.round(f[f'r2_{col}'], 3) plt.plot(x, yreg, alpha=0.7, label=f'Regression ($R^2 = {r2}$)') if not ('F' in col): s = f['extension'] parline = dict(lw=0.4, ls='--', color='lightgrey', alpha=0.4, label='Bereich des zul. Scherweges') plt.axhspan(-s, s, **parline) if idxcol == len(columns_analyse) - 1: plt.xlabel('Zeit in s') plt.ylabel(ylabel_dict[col]) plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() if showplot: break else: ofile = f'{T}deg_{sigma}MPa_{freq}Hz_{s}mm'.replace('.', 'x') ofile = os.path.join(opath, ofile + '.pdf') plt.savefig(ofile) plt.close() class ShearTestExtension(ShearTest): def runfit(self): self._fit_data() def file_in_db(self): n = DynamicShearTestExtension.objects(filehash=self.filehash).count() if n > 0: return True else: return False def save(self, material1, material2, bounding, meta: dict): for i, fit in data =[int(fit['idx_data'])] #check if data in db n = DynamicShearTestExtension.objects( f=fit['f'], sigma_normal=fit['sigma_normal'], T=fit['T'], extension=fit['extension'], material1=material1, material2=material2, bounding=bounding, filehash=self.filehash, ).count() if n > 0: continue #save data rdata = DataSheartest( time=data.index.values, F=data['F'].values, N=data['N'].values, s_vert_1=data['s_vert_1'].values, s_vert_2=data['s_vert_2'].values, s_vert_sum=data['s_vert_sum'].values, s_piston=data['s_piston'].values, ).save() # save fit values = {} for col in ['F', 's_vert_1', 's_vert_2', 's_vert_sum']: values[f'fit_amp_{col}'] = fit[f'fit_amp_{col}'] values[f'fit_freq_{col}'] = fit[f'fit_freq_{col}'] values[f'fit_phase_{col}'] = fit[f'fit_phase_{col}'] values[f'fit_offset_{col}'] = fit[f'fit_offset_{col}'] values[f'fit_slope_{col}'] = fit[f'fit_slope_{col}'] values[f'r2_{col}'] = fit[f'r2_{col}'] values.update(meta) try: r = DynamicShearTestExtension( #metadata f=fit['f'], sigma_normal=fit['sigma_normal'], T=fit['T'], extension=fit['extension'], filehash=self.filehash, material1=material1, material2=material2, bounding=bounding, #results data=rdata, stiffness=fit['G'], # **values).save() except: rdata.delete() def _set_parameter(self): self.split_data_based_on_parameter = [ 'T', 'sigma_normal', 'f', 'extension' ] self.col_as_int = ['N'] self.col_as_float = ['T', 'F', 'f', 's_vert_sum'] self.val_col_names = ['time', 'T', 'f', 'N', 'F', 's_vert_sum'] # Header names after standardization; check if exists self.val_header_names = ['speciment_diameter'] self.columns_analyse = [ 'F', 's_vert_sum', 's_vert_1', 's_vert_2', 's_piston' ] self.number_of_load_cycles_for_analysis = 5 def _calc_missiong_values(self): cols = for c in ['vert']: if not f's_{c}_sum' in cols:[f's_{c}_sum'] =[[f's_{c}_1', f's_{c}_2' ]].sum(axis=1).div(2.0) def _fit_data(self): = [] for idx_data, data in enumerate( if data is None: continue data.index = data.index - data.index[0] res = {} res['idx_data'] = int(idx_data) # Fitting freq = float(np.round(data['f'].mean(), 4)) if (self.debug): sigma_normal = np.round(data['sigma_normal'].mean(), 3) T = np.round(data['T'].mean(), 3) for idxcol, col in enumerate(self.columns_analyse): if not col in data.columns: continue x = data.index.values y = data[col].values # Fourier Transformation """ dt = np.diff(x).mean() #mean sampling rate n = len(x) res[f'psd_{col}'] = sfft.rfft(y) #compute the FFT res[f'freq_{col}'] = sfft.rfftfreq(n, dt) """ res_fit = fit_cos(x, y, freq=freq, constfreq=True) res[f'r2_{col}'] = res_fit['r2'] res[f'fit_amp_{col}'] = res_fit['amp'] res[f'fit_freq_{col}'] = res_fit['freq'] res[f'fit_phase_{col}'] = res_fit['phase'] res[f'fit_offset_{col}'] = res_fit['offset'] res[f'fit_slope_{col}'] = res_fit['slope'] ## Schersteifigkeit berechnen deltaF = res['fit_amp_F'] deltaS = res['fit_amp_s_vert_sum'] A = np.pi * self.meta['speciment_diameter']**2 / 4 tau = deltaF / A gamma = deltaS / self.gap_width res['G'] = tau / gamma #metadaten for c in ['T', 'extension', 'sigma_normal', 'f']: res[c] = data[c][0] if (self.debug) & (len( > 5): break = pd.DataFrame.from_records( def plot_results(self, opath=None, pkname=None, r2min=0.96): if not (opath is None) & (pkname is None): showplot = False opath = os.path.join(opath, pkname) if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) else: showplot = True dfplot = for col in ['extension', 'fit_amp_s_vert_sum']: dfplot[col] = dfplot[col].mul(1000) fig, ax = plt.subplots() xticks = list(dfplot['extension'].unique()) df = dfplot df = df[(df['r2_F'] >= r2min) & (df['r2_s_vert_sum'] >= r2min)] sns.scatterplot( data=df, x='fit_amp_s_vert_sum', y='G', hue='T', ax=ax, alpha=0.7, #size=150, size="G", sizes=(50, 160), edgecolor='k', palette='muted', zorder=10) df = dfplot df = df[(df['r2_F'] < r2min) & (df['r2_s_vert_sum'] < r2min)] if not df.empty: sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='fit_amp_s_vert_sum', y='G', facecolor='grey', alpha=0.5, legend=False, zorder=1, ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel('gemessene Scherwegamplitude in $\mu m$') ax.set_ylabel('Scherseteifigkeit in MPa/mm') ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.grid() if not showplot: ofile = os.path.join(opath, 'shearstiffness.pdf') plt.savefig(ofile) def plot_stats(self, opath=None, pkname=None, r2min=0.96): if not (opath is None) & (pkname is None): showplot = False opath = os.path.join(opath, pkname) if not os.path.exists(opath): os.makedirs(opath) else: showplot = True dfplot = for col in ['extension', 'fit_amp_s_vert_sum']: dfplot[col] = dfplot[col].mul(1000) #r2 df = fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, sharex=True) parscatter = dict(palette='muted', alpha=0.7, edgecolor='k', lw=0.3) # r2 ax = axs[0] sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='fit_amp_s_vert_sum', y='r2_F', hue='T', ax=ax, **parscatter) ax.set_ylabel('Bestimmtheitsmaß $R^2$') ax.set_title('Kraft') ax = axs[1] sns.scatterplot(data=df, x='fit_amp_s_vert_sum', y='r2_s_vert_sum', hue='T', legend=False, ax=ax, **parscatter) ax.set_ylabel('$R^2$ (S_{mittel})') ax.set_title('mittlerer Scherweg') for ax in axs.flatten(): ax.grid() ax.set_xlabel('gemessene Scherwegamplitude in $\mu m$') plt.tight_layout() if not showplot: ofile = os.path.join(opath, 'stats_r2.pdf') plt.savefig(ofile) class ShearTestExtensionLaborHart(ShearTestExtension): def _define_units(self): self.unit_F = 1 / 1000.0 #N self.unit_t = 1 / 1000. #s def _set_units(self): #for col in ['F']: #[col] =[col].mul(self.unit_F) for col in ['time']:[col] =[col].mul(self.unit_t) return True def _read_data(self): """ read data from Labor Hart """ # parameter encoding = 'latin-1' skiprows = 14 hasunits = True splitsign = ':;' # metadata from file meta = {} with open(self.file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: count = 0 for line in f: count += 1 #remove whitespace linesplit = line.strip() linesplit = linesplit.split(splitsign) if len(linesplit) == 2: meta[linesplit[0]] = linesplit[1] if count >= skiprows: break # data data = pd.read_csv(self.file, encoding=encoding, skiprows=skiprows, decimal=',', sep=';') ## add header to df with open(self.file, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f: count = 0 for line in f: count += 1 if count >= skiprows: break head = line.split(';') data.columns = head #clean data data = data.dropna(axis=1) #define in class self.meta = meta = data return True def _standardize_meta(self): keys = list(self.meta.keys()) for key in keys: if any(map(key.__contains__, ['Probenbezeichnung'])): self.meta['speciment'] = self.meta.pop(key) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Datum/Uhrzeit'])): self.meta['datetime'] = self.meta.pop(key) try: self.meta['datetime'] = pd.to_datetime( self.meta['datetime']) except: pass elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Probenhöhe'])): self.meta['speciment_height'] = float( self.meta.pop(key).replace(',', '.')) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Probendurchmesser'])): self.meta['speciment_diameter'] = float( self.meta.pop(key).replace(',', '.')) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Solltemperatur'])): self.meta['temperature'] = float( self.meta.pop(key).replace(',', '.')) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Prüfbedingungen'])): self.meta['test_version'] = self.meta.pop(key) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Name des VersAblf'])): self.meta['test'] = self.meta.pop(key) elif any(map(key.__contains__, ['Prüfer'])): self.meta['examiner'] = self.meta.pop(key) return True def _standardize_data(self): colnames = list( for i, col in enumerate(colnames): if col == 'TIME': colnames[i] = 'time' #set values elif col == 'Sollwert Frequenz': colnames[i] = 'f' elif col == 'SollTemperatur': colnames[i] = 'T' elif col == 'Max Scherweg': colnames[i] = 'extension' elif col == 'Sollwert Normalspannung': colnames[i] = 'sigma_normal' elif col == 'Impulsnummer': colnames[i] = 'N' # measurements elif col == 'Load': colnames[i] = 'F' elif col == 'Position': colnames[i] = 's_piston' elif col == 'VERTIKAL Links': colnames[i] = 's_vert_1' elif col == 'VERTIKAL Rechts': colnames[i] = 's_vert_2' elif col == 'HORIZONTAL links': colnames[i] = 's_hor_1' elif col == 'HOIZONTAL Rechts': colnames[i] = 's_hor_2' = colnames class ShearTestExtensionTUDresdenGeosys(ShearTestExtension): def _define_units(self): self.unit_S = 1 / 1000.0 #N def _set_units(self): for col in [ 's_vert_sum', 's_vert_1', 's_vert_2', 's_piston', 'extension' ]:[col] =[col].mul(self.unit_S) #convert internal units to global f = np.mean([0.9 / 355, 0.6 / 234.0, 0.3 / 116.0])['sigma_normal'] =['sigma_normal'].mul(f).apply( lambda x: np.round(x, 1)) return True def _read_data(self): """ read data from Labor Hart """ # parameter encoding = 'latin-1' skiprows = 14 hasunits = True splitsign = ':;' head, data = read_geosys(self.file, '015') #define in class self.meta = head = data return True def _standardize_meta(self): keys = list(self.meta.keys()) for key in keys: if key == 'd': self.meta['speciment_diameter'] = self.meta.pop(key) return True def _standardize_data(self): colnames = list( for i, col in enumerate(colnames): #set values if col == 'soll temperature': colnames[i] = 'T' elif col == 'soll extension': colnames[i] = 'extension' elif col == 'soll sigma': colnames[i] = 'sigma_normal' elif col == 'soll frequency': colnames[i] = 'f' elif col == 'Number of vertical cycles': colnames[i] = 'N' # measurements elif col == 'vertical load from hydraulic pressure': colnames[i] = 'F' elif col == 'vertical position from hydraulic pressure': colnames[i] = 's_piston' elif col == 'Vertical position from LVDT 1': colnames[i] = 's_vert_1' elif col == 'Vertical position from LVDT 2': colnames[i] = 's_vert_2' = colnames